
5th Grade Common Core Vocabulary

Well blog friends, I have been at home sick for the last two days. I couldn't even get out of bed yesterday. I finally started feeling a bit better this afternoon so I thought I would make the best of my time away from school by finally finishing those 5th grade Common Core Math Cards. 

I will begin working on 1st grade next since that was the order in which I received the requests. I will then work on Kindergarten and 4th grade since those are the only two left! These take me a great deal of time so please be patient with me! =) 

I hope to be feeling back to my full potential tomorrow because I have a full day! I am attending a dear friends baby shower and then conducting a painting party for my niece and her 14 friends! It will be nuts, I am sure, but they are paying me 200 bucks to teach the youngun's how to paint a picture of some sort. I haven't decided what yet. I'm thinking maybe lollipops or something simple like that! 

Anyway, let me know what you guys think of the new cards. I hope to have some time this weekend to create some new clip art. I have been inspired by this last common core set to create some measurement clip art. If you guys have any suggestions of things you would like to see, just let me know!

Head over to my store to grab your set of 5th grade cards!


  1. Ooooohhh--measurement, yay!!! :)

    I bought your money set yesterday, and went to school today to print out a supply of each coin. We are starting money on Monday, and I'm planning on using the coins as incentives for following procedures/rules, homework, etc....then have a candy shop as a culminating activity at the end of the unit.

    Thanks for all your cute ideas!!! :)

    Live Laugh and Love to Learn

  2. Can't wait for the 1st Grade CC Standards!!

    Sweet Times in First



  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I am going to purchase it right now! YAY!

  4. I can't even tell you how amazing this is!! None of the cute stuff is ever for the bigger kids!! I literally saw the title of your post in my blogroll and got up to grab my debit card. :) Thank you!!!

  5. No problem! =) I love these cards and I can't wait til I can use them when we start common core in the coming years!

  6. I am so happy I have found this blog. I have gotten some great stuff from here. Thank you!

    I have given you an award. Stop by my blog and check it out!
    Simply the Classroom

  7. These look great! :) I am on the common core committee for my grade level in my district, I can't wait to check out your second grade collection!
    Stories From Second

  8. These are fantastic! They came out super cute!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  9. I've left you an award on my blog. I looked on yours and didn't see this award, so if you have it already, you deserve it again!

  10. I can't wait to also see the second grade collection :) Your clip art is fantastic!

    Lisa :)(new follower and blog-stalker :)

  11. Lisa, I already have a set for second grade!! =) It's in my Teacher's Notebook store!

  12. I gave you The Versatile Blogger Award because I {heart} your blog button!
    A Place Called Kindergarten

  13. I'm so glad that I found you through Amber's post on Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher. Your stuff is awesome! This set is terrific and I can't wait until you finish the 4th grade ones. I'm going to go broke in your store :)


    Fun in Room 4B

  14. I'm so glad that I found you through Amber on Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher. I am your newest follower. This set is great. I can't wait for your 4th grade one!


    Fun in Room 4B

  15. I love your blog! I gave you an award! Hop over to check it out!
    2nd Grade Paradise

  16. Where can I buy these?

  17. These are great!!! Would you be willing to create a set for 6th grade?? I cannot find a set for sixth grade - not even simple one. I would LOVE to have a set of these for my classroom. Thanks!!!

  18. I went to your shop to purchase the 5th grade math items shown above and cannot find them anywhere. Are these no longer available?

    1. They are there. I just clicked on the link and it took me right to them. http://www.teachersnotebook.com/product/glauren4556/5th-grade-common-core-math-vocabulary


Treats for the Teacher