
Landforms Flipbook Activity

This week in Science we have been learning about Earth's Land Features. All week we took notes, learned hand gestures, and watched a video, and then we made a landform flipbook. I have to say, it came out SOOOO cute!! I got the idea from an AIMS lesson and adapted it for the SC landforms. Here is what it looks like completed!

And here it is in action!

You can download it HERE!


  1. I love this landforms activity!!! So cute! Thanks for sharing!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  2. My 7 year old was just viewing your blog with me and she was VERY interested in your landforms.

    The Paper Maid

  3. Excited about the flipbook. I love the printable grade book, too. You saved me revising mine.
    ~April Walker
    The Idea Backpack

  4. I LOVE your fonts!!! Thank you, thank you!!! Those will definitely be moving to the top of my favorite fonts. CUTE! I also LOVE the landforms activity. Great idea!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  5. Such a cute idea. Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. Thanks for the editable grade book. I created my own a few years back (very basic). I set it up by the standards and also in a way that compliments our report cards to ease report card time.

    I have seen several cute grade books floating around the blogosphere world. But I won't use any in PDF format. I mean really, why would I want to rewrite students names and all the other info every quarter??? To me the whole point of an electronic version is to streamline the process. Set it up they way you need it once and you're good to go! So I appreciate your document in Word!!!

    My school has been doing attendance in Powerschool for a couple of years now, but only mid and high school have used the Powerschool grade book. Our elementary schools have been told we have to do grades on Powerschool this year, but have had no trainings or further communication.

    Question: You mentioned this has made your life so much easier when entering grades into Powerschool. Can you expand on that a little more?


  7. I love both of your ideas and I want to tell you THANKS!!! I've not had my own regular classroom for many years and your ideas and printables have helped me so much. I'm not very technologically advanced so you've helped me in many ways. I appreciate the time that you took to put all of these things up on your blog.

  8. WOW! I can't wait till you post the file! SMILES and stop by anytime!

  9. LOVE the landforms activity! I'll be back to download and use. THANKS!

  10. The landform actvitiy is so cute! Thanks for sharing! Thanks so much for the gradebook printable. I have a stack of papers by the middle of the week that are always waiting to be entered into Powerschool. This will be such a better method for organizing. Thank you! Have a great rest of the week.


  11. What a great activity. My kids would love to make those.

  12. If only I taught landforms! SO cute. Have you seen the dinosaur one?

  13. THIS IS GREAT! I 'M SO DOING THIS! I 'm a 3rd grade teacher in SC, too. We seem to be doing the same units and many of the same activities. Holly Palmer

  14. Love the grade book! Been looking for one for awhile! Amy way I can add lines to it? I have 21 students and would need a couple extra lines. My email is ledbetter2@marshall.edi in case I don't see your reply. Thanks SO much!

    1. You should be able to do that on your own. You just need to drag from the corner on the bottom right to make it smaller and then add new rows to the end.

  15. LOVE the landforms activity! Did you post the template?

    1. Yes, here is the link!

  16. Love this landform activity! I sent it to my student teacher who printed it out and put together the books for all 56 of our students. We used them to take notes on all of the landforms and then color. It turned out great!

  17. Thank you so much for the printable grade sheets! I was struggling with getting everything aligned right, and pow! You've got exactly what I need!
    Thanks a bunch!
    Fifth Grade Ramblings

  18. Thank you for the free download!

    Do you have the link to the file that includes the ISLAND? When I downloaded the file it didn't include the island.

  19. Thank you for the flipbook download!

    I see in your picture of the landforms flipbook that an ISLAND is included, but the download doesn't have it. Is there any way to get the file that includes the Island?

  20. Where did you find those name tags? They would be so helpful in my classroom!

  21. I used your gradebook to make an attendance tracker for my MOPs group! Thank you!

  22. I love your awesome landforms activity!!!! Is there a freebie yet???

    1. I just uploaded it! Thank you for reminding me!! =)

  23. Absolutely loved the way you put together the different land forms. Thank you so much for making it a freebie!!!

  24. I tried to download and it was not available. Is it possible to get this still?
    Looks Awesome!

  25. I was trying to download this, but it didn't come up in the drop box. Do you have it another location?

  26. Love the landforms flip book!Thank you for sharing. Can you tell me what the black object represents on the valley and mountain page? Is this a hill?


  27. I don't see the grade book download I missing it? Would love to utilize it this year with my students! :)

  28. thanks so much..i very happy about this flipbook


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