
Whole Brain Teaching Posters and a Peek in my Room!

So I finally finished my Whole Brain Teaching Starter Set and it is available to download free in both of my shops! The links are included at the end of the post. You MUST check out what I've been up to in my classroom!

You will see some of the items from the set in my classroom previews in the next part of this post! 

Sooo....I am still not ready to reveal my WHOLE room because I MIGHT be anal about what certain things still look like so here are a ton of pictures of things that I have hanging up or just projects I have done.

 And by Kristen, I mean Ladybugs Teacher Files! You can get her labels HERE! And if you love Amy's number words as much as me, you can get those HERE!

 I'm still debating about leaving the black on the inside of some of the letters. My colleague said she likes it, but I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I know...I am OCD.
 I saw someone post recently about their very posh READ sign with ribbon and I decided to do a spin off of that! I cut out my letters and then I cut out giant circles with my Cameo of course! I glued the letters down and then outlined the circle and the outside of the letters with a white paint pen. I think they came out cute! You can see the finished product in the preview below!

As I am looking at the picture of my Super Improvers Wall, I'm thinking it's totally getting crooked as it goes down! Ahhh!! And it's upside down! Geez... Something I'll have to fix this

I am not quite finished with those pencil baskets yet. I will share more about those later! 

If you wish to download the WBT Starter Set, you can click either of my shop links below!

My first OFFICIAL day back is tomorrow! The day will be filled with staff meetings for back to school! YAY! ;) 

Hopefully I will have some time after meetings to work some more in my room so I can do the final reveal soon! Meet the teacher is Monday so it will DEFINITELY have to be ready by then! 

Happy HUMP Day everyone!!


  1. Your room is looking fabulous! All the great colours you are using makes your room bright and welcoming! I can't wait to see more pictures:) I am your neweest follower.
    Natalies Nook

  2. We would totally get along in real life...however you are wayyyyyy better than me. Love all you do. Can't wait to see the rest. Love it all.

    1. Aw you always say the nicest thing Abby!!! How are those babies!? ;)

  3. Your schedule sounds super similar to mine - teacher's first day tomorrow and meet the teacher on Monday. I downloaded your WBT set and I can't wait to print it off and laminate it so I can use it in my classroom!

    ✪ Miss W

    Miss W Teaches

  4. fun bright and beautiful! Love everything!

    1. It is no where near as organized and lovely as your room Reagan, but I'm trying!!! =)

  5. Love it all, Ginger!!! Your room is going to be so bright and cheerful! Love the ribbon as a border, and that manipulative bin is AWESOME!! Can't wait to see it all!

    Long morning meeting for us, too! BOO! :( It's so hard to sit through those when all you WANT to do is work in your classroom!!!!

    Teaching Maddeness

    1. Ugh I know!! Our isn't just in the's ALL day! lol Same ole' same ole' every year! But I am excited to see everyone!

  6. Your room looks great! I found out we can finally work in our room tomorrow at noon. Unfortunately the k-2 teachers will be at an inservice until 3:30. Oh well, at least we get in before Friday! :) Our meet the teacher is Tuesday evening. I hope my room turns out as cute as yours looks right now!
    Where Seconds Count

  7. Looks great so far!!! Can't wait to see the finished project!

    My Life as a Third Grade Teacher

  8. I am in love with the sneak peek that you gave us of your room! I am going to be doing WBT for the first time this coming year and I am so excited about it! I hope my kids will love it as much as I do!

    Miss Klohn
    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

  9. Oh my goodness- I LOVE your room and fun little tidbits! I can't belve tht I am jut now finding your treasure of a blog! I'm your newest follower! :)

  10. Your room looks great! I am doing a zebra theme too :)
    I really like the cirle genre labels with the zebra pattern on it. Were they from Ladybug's Teacher Files? I looked on her TPT and TN and couldn't find them.

  11. It all looks so fun!! I love the super improvers wall:) Going to download your whole brain teaching posters right now!!

    Surfin' Through Second

  12. Looks like it is on it's way! I love your idea about using ribbon for a border on a bulletin board...genius!!!

    For the Love of First Grade

  13. Your room is adorable! Can't wait to see more!
    Third Grade All Stars

  14. That ribbon border is so cool! I just bought your genre posters - so excited to hang them up! Did you make the letters for the heading too?

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  15. Thank you!! I love these. I plan on trying WBT this year and these will be a good reminder for my students and (me)!! They turned out super cute!

    The Hive

  16. Thank you for the WBT posters. I'm excited to start it this year. Your room looks AMAZING! What did you cover your bulletin board with by the way? I love the black.


    1. It's just black fabric! =) Super easy and it doesn't fade!

  17. ugh! I am in love with the "cameo'd" letters. I just sat and convinced myself this weekend I DID NOT need one!
    I am off to buy those genre labels right now! Is it the colorful pack?
    and fyi-I think I'll print your WBT posters and toss mine! haha!

  18. Your room looks SO good! I love those genre posters you made. I can't wait to print them out and hang them in my room!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  19. I love it all, want it all! The room really does look fabulous. I can't even decide which is my favorite.

    Enchanted with Technology

  20. I am totally in love with your classroom. Love the theme, the colors... EVERYTHING! You are making me think about changing my colors and I have already done my shopping! :)

  21. Thank you for sharing your WBT posters! I was introduced to WBT last year and the students really LOVE it. I can't wait to hang your posters in my classroom next week. :)

  22. I use velcro tape and attach those little baskets to their desks. It really cuts down on pencils falling on the floor and kids digging in their desks for supplies. I have used them for years. They are great.


Treats for the Teacher