
Technology Tip Tuesday

It's day 2 of Teacher Week 2012, but before we go there, I have a few more pictures from my room! I know I showed you my halfway finished birthday bags! Well here they are complete!

And the students come tomorrow, so I had to get everything ready on their desks!

That adorable "All About My Summer" sheet is from K-2 Texas Teacher! Just click the picture below to go grab your copy! It's only $1.00!!

Okay, onto Technology Tip Tuesday!

In this segment of Teacher Week, we will be sharing websites or tools that we use to teach or manage our classrooms!

My first favorite website of choice is Class Dojo! It is used for classroom management and behavior! You can view my post about it on Technology Tailgate HERE!

I also use Youtube and United Streaming ALL the time to show videos in the classroom or show read alouds with someone other than me reading!!

I love this website for Interactive Read Alouds!

Our faculty is receiving ipads next week and I was told about an app to help administer running records for Fountas and Pinnell! I am so excited to test it out! You can download it free on your iphone! Not sure if they have it available for other smartphones!

I discovered last year and it is like the new and fun Powerpoint! It twists and turns and does cool stuff! You can check it out by clicking my Meet the Teacher Prezi below!

And finally, the technology that I can't live without and use ALL the time, every day, are my Activ Expressions! They are interactive devices that connect with your Promethean or SMART board. You can put questions up on the board and students send their answers with these devices! You can informally assess, give quizzes and tests, practice math facts, give self paced tests and quizzes, and so much more! Our school is fortunate enough to have sets for most all classrooms! 

TIPS: Set them up with your students names so you can see exactly who hasn't answered and who answered what! I also keep them in a bin at each group so I don't have to distribute them every time we use them -- which is OFTEN! You can see the little bin in the desk preview above!

I start school with the kiddies tomorrow so I am kinda nervous!! I will probably be having those new class nightmares tonight! Wish me luck!

Go link up your Teacher Tip with Blog Hoppin' HERE!


  1. Awesome post! Found you on the blog hop and I'm your newest follower!

    Sent From My iPad

  2. Have a great day tomorrow! Can't wait to hear... read... all about it!! :)
    First Grade FUNdamentals

  3. Class Dojo is SO awesome for classroom management!! I absolutely love it. Your birthday bags came out amazing!! They are perfect! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. the birthday bags. Have an awesome day with your kiddos tomorrow :)

  5. Love all of your tech tips!!! And your birthday bags!!! Good luck tomorrow!!! :-)

  6. Prezi looks so cool. I've never seen it before but will definitely be checking it out. Love the "meet your teacher" presentation. Thanks for that tip!

    The birthday bags are adorable. Is it just the straw and balloon inside (with tissue for effect) or is there more in there? When do you give the balloon to the children whose birthdays fall during the summer holidays (I only ask because I'm one of those children!)?

    A Crucial Week

    1. I made June and July bags and those students will get their birthday straw balloons at the beginning or end of the year, depending on when their birthday is. there is more room in the bags, I just made the straw balloons look sit on top!

    2. Aw cool. Thanks for the replies. I love browsing through your blog. I always seem to get lots of ideas!

  7. Wow! What great tech tips:)

    I was thinking about trying to write a grant for the Activ Expressions. We had another device (won't name names) that was awful because it was so difficult to create the quizzes and tests. I think Activ E is better. Is it easy to create the quizzes, or are they already made up??


    Fun in Room 4B

    1. It is very easy to create tests and quizzes and to use them!! So fun! My kids have already been eyeballing them in their bins wondering what they are! =)

  8. I love your Meet the Teacher Prezi! Hmmm my first day is tomorrow... maybe I will make one tonight! :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  9. I'm am just beginning to wade in the waters of Prezi! From what I have done this far, it is phenomenal! Thanks for sharing and stop by anytime!

  10. I had never seen Prezi before! Thanks for sharing your presentation.

    I love your birthday bags too, adorable and cheerful! :)


Treats for the Teacher