
Easy Classroom DIY Projects and a FREEBIE!!

I have been SOOO busy this week in my classroom and I feel like all these little projects are consuming all of my time and making it seem like my room isn't really coming together like I'd hoped, but they are super cute and all that's really left now is just hanging up stuff and finishing up my bulletin boards! Here is what I've been doing!

 I saw a colleague do this a few years ago and I finally got the gusto to try it out! Isn't that font just adorable!? It's called Badonk-a-donk and I LOVE it!! I just covered my cabinets in white chart paper and then added letters cut from my Cameo! I plan on using it to write in math, science, and social studies vocabulary words. I will then have a separate word wall for our grade level specific word wall. You can see the headers I created for those below!
 Those velcro dots are a lifesaver! I just put the other half of the velcro dot on the back of the word and stick it up there! So much easier than trying to tape or glue them up every week!
 I have been seeing these adorable How Do We Go Home signs around Pinterest and I wanted a NEON one to match my room theme. HEHE I think it turned out super cute! I plan on using clothes pins with the students names printed on small neon cut outs to stick around the circles.
 I mean, I almost died when I found this puppy at Wal-Mart today. I don't know why I never though to look for one, but on the hunt for Velcro dots, I spotted it and I was in teachery heaven! I already used it to make my WWW headers! She's awesome! 

You can purchase those adorable numbers from Amy Lemons at Step Into Second Grade with Mrs. Lemons HERE

I am really getting into my classroom NEON theme if you haven't noticed! LOL

I haven't really shown you whole pictures of my room because well there's nothing really up except for my editable word wall and the borders on my bulletin boards. I can't wait to see them all finished so I can share it with you! 

I wanted to give you all the How Do We Go Home? printables FREE so you can make them too if you wish! Just click the picture below to download!

I will post more pictures of the progress next week! We can't go tomorrow and Monday. =( But, I hope to have things on the walls at least by Wednesday and I'm still waiting on some new book bins to arrive from Really Good Stuff so I don't feel like I can accomplish the organization of the library until they arrive!

ANNNNND TPT is having a GIANT back to school sale on August 12 and 13! You won't want to miss out! I have so many things on my Wishlist already!

And TN is also having a Back to School sale from August 11-13th and there will be 30% off there!!

Happy Thursday! It's Big Brother night!! WOO HOO!


  1. Fabulous looking projects! Thanks for the freebie :)
    My Second Sense

  2. I almost bought that glue gun today at Walmart, also! Was it worth the price?!

  3. umm for reals!?!?! Why don't I have a wireless glue gun yet/!??!

    1. I know, right!?!? That's what I was thinking when I bought it! haha

  4. What are WWW headers?

    1. Just the print out of the word wall word letters...They are in the picture. =) I hung ribbon from them so it would be easier to attach the word wall words.

  5. I love the way you did your word wall with ribbon! And I think I need to go get that glue gun!!

    Lesson plans & Lattes

  6. Thanks so much for the freebie. I'm excited to see your room come together with all of the neon colors. I only have one small bulletin board in my class. All of my other walls are cinderblock so I love, love, love my cordless gluegun. . . enjoy : )
    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  7. girl...i think I have like SIX hot glue guns between home and school...haha!!

  8. Love all of this! Thanks for the awesome freebie - goes great with my zebra theme!

  9. Thanks for the freebie! Could you add a daycare sign as well?

  10. What fun NEONS! thanks for the how do you go home...I hadn't done that yet and back-to-school is Tuesday!!! ACK! L.O.V.E. that glue gun :)

  11. I love the WWW ribbon idea. Can I just come to your room and look around? Seriously. Worth the drive.

    Thanks for this freebie. Cute :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  12. I bought the glue gun last year... LOVE LOVE LOVE! Thanks for the freebie!!! Good luck tying it all together! We are all in the same boat!

  13. Wow! I wish I could be your new Teacher BFF!!! You're amazing! Stop by my Blog and visit anytime!

  14. I bought your neon class set as I am doing the same colors and I am so thankful you just added the how we go home... and for FREE! You ROCK! Also, love the ribbon and velcro for the word wall idea! Now off to Walmart for the wireless glue gun! LOVE YOUR BLOG!

  15. What a great idea! How did you adhere the paper to the cupboard doors? I tried in my classroom, and it looks so messy. Don't tell me you used your cool, new glue gun!

  16. OH MY GOODNESS! I am IN LOVE with that glue gun! I haven't seen one like that yet...I guess I have been looking in the wrong places! Thanks for sharing! :)


  17. Hi Ginger,

    I really really want a Cameo and a glue gun! The neon theme looks brilliant. I'd love if you could add a link to this post in my FREEBIE classroom décor linky party. If you're interested, please add links to any more of your ready-to-go-on-the-walls creations. The idea is to make a bank of printables for teachers to use just before the new term begins.

    Emer at A Crucial Week

  18. I love all the neon! :) You're making me re-think my color scheme!

    The Curious Catfish


Treats for the Teacher