Representing Numbers

Last week we began our math unit with a very basic lesson on different ways to represent and show numbers to review second grade skills. I wanted to share a couple of freebies that I made to accompany our lesson!

The first is a math journal printable that you can use to accompany the flipchart lesson I made {which you can download later in the post.} Just click the image below to download your own copy!

Here is the flipchart I used to accompany the lesson! Just click the image to download!

I know this may seem super simple for a third grader, but I think it's important to build and review the basics before diving into the meat of it!

I know I have been saying for two weeks that I would be posting my classroom reveal. I am making it my number 1 goal to get those pictures taken this week so that I can share my room with you all! I've just been so busy I keep forgetting to take pictures of the full room and all of the little things I've done!

I have been thoroughly enjoying my new school and my new students. I have seriously already had some amazing experiences! 

One kid had his grandmother knit my unborn baby this adorable blanket!

Seriously?! Shut the front door. This is the sweetest, most amazing gift I've ever gotten from a student!

And a parent texted me today this sweet message!

WHAT!? How great are these parents and students!? I love my new school and everything about it. I feel excited and rejuventated about teaching after the difficult time I had last year!

In other news, my belly just keeps getting bigger!

I had to sport my Clemson colors Saturday! Even though they lost badly!

The hubs worked on this project for our little girls nursery and I am IN love with how cute it turned out!

He literally spent ALL weekend carving out those wooden boards to make the letters stand out. Then, we spent most of last night painting them. I cannot wait to hang them and get the nursery done so I can stop stressing about it!

That's about all that's been going on with me lately!

Stay tuned for a classroom reveal...but don't hold your


  1. You look gorgeous! I love the letters! Make sure to show a picture of them hanging! So cute!

    Mandy's Tips for Teachers

  2. Love your belly picture!

  3. Thanks for the flipchart. Pregnancy really agrees with you - you're glowing!


Treats for the Teacher