
Room Theme Reveal!!

Hello again bloggy friends! 

I have finally decided on a room theme for this year. It isn't really a theme so much. More like a color scheme. 


ALL things NEON with a splash of black and white!

I was inspired by a number of things including some target dollar bin items (They just spoke to me...)

These adorable signs from Second Grade Shenanigans

Might just have to use those puppies on the very first day! 

And pretty much everything that Kristen from Ladybug's Teacher Files makes...

And my mom and I made these adorable zebra print crate seats to surround my kidney table!

I just posted about making these this morning! (I know I'm a bad girl for posting twice today, but I just got so excited!) If you would like to visit the tutorial link, click HERE!

I also purchased some glow sticks from the dollar bin at the end of the last school year! I'm trying to figure out how I can incorporate those...

Anyway, in "light" of my new theme (haha get it!?), I made a N.E.O.N. Binder and I wanted to share it with you!! (Navigating Everyday with Organization and Neatness) FO FREE!

You can download your own copy of the binder covers, directions, and inserts HERE if you wish to use them! This set is an editable powerpoint 2010 file. The images have been flattened to the background. To customize, just add text boxes to wherever you wish the text to appear. 

If you would like the printable labels for the binder, click HERE! They are saved as a PDF to protect the graphics.

Some other fun NEON stuff I found on Pinterest!

I already purchased all my neon book bins from Really Good Stuff! And how stinking cute are those "Neon" name signs!? 

 I have those neon cut outs in my etsy cart already!

I just think this banner/hanging thing is cool looking!
 Neon toilet paper!? What!? So cute...

These tissue paper balls will be my next DIY project.

What is your room theme this year?


  1. Awesome Neon Binder, thank you for sharing!

  2. Love it! Thanks for the freebies :)
    The tissue paper balls can be found at Party City and they work out to be $2 a piece. If you make them yourself they are about $1. As much as a DIYer as I am...I went with door #1 :)


    Fun in Room 4B

  3. Your room is going to look great! My theme is animal print/jungle.
    Your binder is very impressive too.
    First Grade Found Me

    1. I have some animal print thrown in there as well Chrissy!

  4. Fun colors! I'm black and white polka dots and yellow (bees and daisies)

  5. That theme is super cool. If I ever change my color scheme I am stealing yours. LOVE IT!

  6. You know mine girl! I LOVE what you have found for yours! I can't wait to see the tissue poms--I think those are just so pretty. We can't hang stuff on our ceilings anymore, but I'm not complaining because I can still have lamps and a carpet! I think it's going to be so cool with those crates seats you and your mom made--not to rush you, but when are you going back?? I'm joking, I can wait while you enjoy your summer. Ok, I have more to tell you but it's going to be epic so I'll just email you--ha! :)
    PS Thanks for the shout out, that was so sweet! :) :)

  7. I love it! I'm black and white with a splash of bright :) Here's an idea you could use with your glow sticks... I pinned it earlier this summer!
    "We're going to have a bright year!" http://pinterest.com/pin/59602395039073104/

    First Grade FUNdamentals

  8. Awesome color scheme! Your students are going to love it!! I think I'm going with a green and blue color scheme this year with some froggies here and there. Your blog is awesome by the way!

    Shoelaces and Sugar Cookies

  9. Thanks for sharing! Love the neon colors!!

  10. I love your classroom theme! It is going to be so stinking adorable! Please share pics when it is all ready. I just nominated you for the Versatile blogger award, shoot on over to my blog to claim your award! Congrats!


  11. This is great thank you so much ! Definitely downloaded it for my classroom this year : )


  12. omgosh - LOVE it!! and it is SOOOOO you!!! (and perhaps me too! lol)

  13. We have almost the same theme, except I am only doing neon/hot pink and green with black!! I'm sure it will look fabulous! Good luck setting everything up!

  14. Just found your blog and I love your theme! Mine is neon/bright colors with animal print thrown in! :)

    Elementary Adventure

  15. I have the same colors, except a lot of polka dots :) I love Kristen's signs too, but I can't decide if I want the bright colored ones, or the flipped signs? AHH the choices!

    Fourth Grade Fanatics

  16. My theme is the same as yours! The NEON binder is awesome. I'm planning on doing some sort of organizational binder with my students, but haven't started making things. You did a bunch of the work for me. Thanks!

    A Place to Thrive

  17. Love your theme! Your classroom is going to look fabulous, and I can't wait to see pictures. My theme for this year is Shepherd's Shining Stars are College Bound. You can check it out here: http://ericashep.blogspot.com/2012/07/a-peek-into-my-classroom.html

  18. I LOVE neon colored things! I too bought those same schedule cards and cannot wait to use them! Great finds. Loved looking through your list! :)

    Reaching for the TOP!

  19. Looks great! I have blue, green, polka dots and owls going. The green I have is pretty much neon. I used a bright lime green wrapping paper from Hobby Lobby on all my bulletin boards. Check it out if you have a chance. I love the zebra seats too :-)


  20. I originally planned to do a rainbow theme but I recently fell in love with some bins at Walmart- lime green, orange, & yellow are my color schemes ;)

    Love your NEON binder!!

    Color Me Kinder

  21. OMGoodness!! You are so fabulous!! I wanted to use a binder this year and thisis giving me so many ideas!! One question!! How much money do you spend each year? Do you sell your old bins and things? Just checking coz i am always looking for a bargain?! The older iget, the "on the cheap" I get!!! Thanks for sharing!! Amy :)

  22. DOUBLE LIKE!!!! I can't wait to read how you use the Glow Sticks (perhaps you can darken the room and use the Glow Sticks with a Halloween writing prompt or something similar).
    Stop by my Blog; I can always use more followers.

  23. I love your color theme choice and your zebra crates are fabulous! Have to get back to jury duty but will definitely be checking your blog out more. How in the world did I miss it?

    Kinder Cuties

  24. Do you have the link for the neo cut outs from etsy? I want them but can't find them! Thanks!

    1. http://www.etsy.com/shop/HelloDonna?ref=shop_sugg =)

  25. Thanks! What do you think you will use the cut outs for?

  26. Thank you so much for sharing the Binder and Labels! They're so useful for any classroom. Love your theme.


Treats for the Teacher