I'm finally joining the party! I have just been too addicted to my new Christmas present to do anything else! I do plan on posting a new freebie by the end of the weekend, but for now, here are my 11 things in 2011!

I read this book for our Book Club this summer and I just loved it. Of course, when the movie came out, I was all about it! It even makes my top 10 best movies!
I know this is going to sound really dumb, but the Walking Dead is definitely my new favorite TV show. Basically, this cop wakes up from a coma and the world has been taken over by zombies. I know it sounds super corny and stupid, but it is such a thrilling drama and of course there is some scandalous business that goes on too! My brother got me hooked on the first season and it was all over after that. I don't EVER miss an episode! The second half of season 2 resumes on February 12! So excited...
Favorite new thing I've tried is definitely making digital art! This is a VERY recent development but so much fun! I literally was dreaming of the clip art I was going to make last night. I did not sleep very well due to my excitement this morning to get up and create! This was my newest set as of this morning...
7. Favorite gift you received
This is a tie, my mom gave me the Bamboo Tablet which I lUVVV!
And then my boyfriend bought me this gorgeous ring from Silpada.com! Hopefully, I'll be getting a ring for the other finger in 2012! =)
OMG. I have no idea. I have pinned about a bazillion things. Um. I guess I would say anything to do with fonts, clip art, or digital frames/backgrounds because I use them ALL the time. I am OBsessed.
5. Favorite blog post
I would say my Multiplication Tricks Sheet since soooo many people have viewed it and are able to use it. =) Even though I initially had some mistakes in there, (which I fixed), ya'll knew what I meant! I like creating stuff people can really use!
4. Favorite accomplishment
My favorite accomplishment was becoming a Promethean Activ Inspire trainer in my district! It pays and it's so much fun to share new tricks with teachers! I felt so honored to be asked!
Man...this is tough too! I am torn between these two!
The first one is from Bunco! We had an 80's hair band theme.
Buuut, I also got to go to Costa Rica this summer and go ziplining!
My favorite memory was definitely while I was in Costa Rica. I got to go in a cage full of howler monkeys and hang out with them and even hold one! Meet Chiqui Chiqui!
Ain't he cute!?
I don't normally make goals because I never keep them. But, I would like to cook more at home instead of eating out so much! Maybe I should take a cooking class or two...