04 November 2012


I recently posted about some issues that my boyfriend and I had been having. Well, things finally came to an end last week and I am hurting inside so much. After four years, I can't seem to figure out how to move on without him in my life. I haven't thought much about school, or my blog, or lesson plans and I really need to! I feel awful for negelecting you all and everything else, but I just need to get myself together before I get myself back on a roll. I just wanted to let you guys know I didn't forget about you. I'm just going through many life changes right now and I haven't had much time for anything else. Hope to be back soon with some things to share. Hope you all have a great Sunday!


  1. ((hugs)) It may not seem like it now, but things will get better!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. Oh, Ginger I am so sorry. When you invest time in someone and in a relationship, the end is never easy. I wish I could give you a hug. Or chocolate. Or an adult beverage. Or maybe just all three.

  3. I am so sorry to hear you're hurting:/ I'll be praying for you! Hang in there....I know it seems like it may be impossible now, but each day will get a little easier. Hugs!

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. I am sorry you are going through tough times. I'll say a prayer that you will feel better soon.

  5. I'm so very sorry to hear this Ginger, my heart goes out to you. I hope you find peace and happiness soon. I really do believe everything happens for a reason and that, down the line, things will work out in ways you didn't imagine. Take care Ginger, I will be waiting patiently for when you are back!

  6. hang in there...it will get better, it just takes time

  7. I know what a tough time this must be for you. Just know that your friends out here in bloggy-land are always willing to lend an ear. Head up buttercup - there is another and brighter day on the way! ;)

  8. So sorry to hear about this change. Remember that things, even if we don't understand why, happen for a reason. Stay strong!!

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

  9. I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this difficult life change. During this time be sure to surround yourself with friends and family. They will be there to help pull you through. Hugs, hugs and more hugs going out to you : )

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  10. I went through this at the end of the summer. Lean on the people around you! Thinking of you!

    Third Grade in the First State

  11. Sending you tons of hugs. It does not sound like fun, but know we are here for ya'.
    My Second Sense

  12. Sorry, Ginger. :( I think most of us have been there at some point. The good news is you never know what's around the corner, but I'm sure it will be something great for you. Hang in there!

  13. I'm sorry to hear about your break up Ginger. Please don't worry about your blog. You need to take care of yourself first. Surround yourself with the people in your life who care for you. Have a night out with "the girls." Take a personal day if you need to. Good luck with everything.

  14. So sorry for your pain. I hope life's changes will be good.

  15. Sorry to hear you are hurting. Right when you are in the middle of it, all you can see is what is missing. Soon you will see the endless new opportunities. Hang in there. Love yourself and say some prayers.

  16. So sorry to this girlie! Stay strong! Love ya....

  17. I'm so sorry, Ginger. Please don't feel bad about taking time for yourself. We'll all be here when you return. Hang in there!!

    EduKate and Inspire

  18. Please don't apologize. Take all the time you need to create a new normal, and know that we understand. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know, okay? I will be thinking of you. I know this'll be a hard time, and platitudes aren't going to help, but you have many friends who care about you and don't want you to dare stress for a second about keeping up with your blog. There are many, many more important things.

    You are in my thoughts!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  19. So sorry to hear about the breakup. I know it must be hard dealing with it and trying to teach too! After 4 years, it's like going through grieving stages. Stay strong - better things are on the way:)

  20. So sorry Ginger. I know that it is difficult to be on your A game when you are hurting on the inside. Put your blog on the back burner and take some time for yourself.((Hugs))

    Second Grade Math Maniac
    Second Grade Freebies

  21. Ginger, I've been thinking about you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask your blog friends. We are here for you. It will get better with time. I'm so sorry that you are hurting. Hugs to you, girl!

  22. I'm so sorry to hear you are going through some rough times. I suffered from a failed marriage after 10 years together....plan and simple, break ups suck! I totally understand the pain you are feeling. Don't rush it, take the time you need to heal and take care of you. It really does get easier with time...I know that doesn't help you at this moment, but keep telling yourself it will. Hugs and hang in there!

    Super Pig and Tyrant King

  23. I hope things start to get better soon...I can't imagine how hard that must be. :-( Virtual hugs to you...

    Craft of Teaching

  24. I am so sorry for your aching heart :o( Know that we are all thinking of you and we completely understand that you need to take time for yourself first. We will be here whenever you come back. {Hugs}

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  25. I'm sorry you're hurting. I'll be praying for you, Ginger. Hugs!

    The Teacher Diaries

  26. I'm so sorry to hear you're hurting so much Ginger! You will be in my thoughts. Hang in there! In the meantime, we won't go anywhere so don't worry about us! Take care of yourself! :)
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  27. Someone before me said it beautifully, about when things comes to an end, it is bound to hurt. Your friends here is blog-land are here to lend a shoulder. Take your time to heal and be kind to yourself.

  28. I am so sorry to hear you are in pain. Like so many have said, things will get better and in time you will feel better about what has happened. And you truly never know what will happen next...

  29. I'm so sorry to hear about this. My heart aches for you. Hang in there! We are all here for you. I know how hard it is but everything in life happens for a reason- it only means God has bigger & better plans for you.

    Love your blog! ;)

    Mrs. M

  30. I'm so sorry! Thinking about you!!


  31. So sorry! Break-ups are hard, but you always end up on the better side! Keep your head up :)

    Teachery Tidbits

  32. So sorry to hear that you are hurting. You are so sweet to be worrying about your blog but please don't...take time to heal. Chin up...things will get better.
    NB, Canada

  33. Thinking of you during this time. Take care of yourself first!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  34. hang in there! chin up & one step at a time.
    take care of yourself,
    little second-grade somebodies

  35. Oh my dear! I'm sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you. Blessings always!

  36. Sorry you are having to go through this! Stay strong friend! You are a special gal and deserve the best, seriously. You know I am here for you if you ever need anything! I keep a bottle of wine handy at all times!

  37. I just read in the TPT newsletter that you surpassed a big milestone! Congratulations! You are one of my favorite bloggers and sellers (You're at the top of my Google Reader!) so I was heppy that this came at a time that you needed a little boost. I recently opened my own little TPT shop after being inspired by all of the cute products (and fonts!) that you make. Keep your chin up...you are great teacher who inspires many others!


  38. I'm so sorry you're hurting. :( I went through this, too, my first year of teaching, and I was a wreck. I cried every single day whenever my kids weren't with me. But, I got through it, with the help of my friends and family, and you're lucky because you've got something I didn't - the teacher blogging community. Take the time you need to take care of yourself, and know we're all sending virtual hugs your way.

    Yay Third Grade

  39. I know exactly how you feel! I went through it last year my first year of teaching. I was able to put all my extra time into my students and classroom and it really paid off. We <3 you!!

  40. I just wanted to sat that I just found your blog and I <3 it! I'm a first year third grade teacher in Florida. We're in the process of transitioning from the Sunshine State Standards to the Common Core. I love all of your ideas that align with the Common Core! You're brilliant! =)

    I'm sorry you're going through a rough time right now. I'm sending you some virtual hugs from a complete stranger. =)

  41. I am just now getting to catch up reading your blog. Hugs friend! Know that you are loved by so many... even us crazy girls who blogstalk you. :) Praying your heart heals in time. :)

  42. I'm just now getting caught up on reading and saw your post. I'm sorry you are hurting. You have been through a rough year. Hugs!
    Mary Pitner's Potpourri

  43. Hi Ginger,
    I also just had a big fight with my boyfriend. It hurts so bad, and so I hope that you are starting to heal.


Treats for the Teacher