09 October 2012

Native Americans and Predictions

In Social Studies, we are beginning a new unit on South Carolina Native Americans and so my fabulous team came up with the idea to rotate around the room to three different posters of each tribe with related photos and words on each one. Students will go around the room and with their recording sheet and write predictions they have about each tribe by looking at the posters pictures and words. You will notice that some of the posters have the same pictures. Hopefully your students pick up on this and write it down on their recording sheet!

At the end of the rotation activity, students will share the predictions they made with the class and add to a class chart. We have already learned about the regions of South Carolina so we will then show a map of South Carolina and see if students can figure out where each tribe is located based on the pictures, words from the posters and from the predictions they made on their sheets. Here is a sample picture of the poster images and recording sheet. To download the full files, click HERE and HERE

There are more pictures and a page of words included as well to add to your posters. This is just a preview!

I love South Carolina history! I can't wait to start this unit Friday! Kids always get so into it!

I hope to be back soon with more ideas to share! Tomorrow is Hump Day!! Whoo hoo! I'm ready for Fall for Greenville this weekend (the most amazing food, beer, and fun festival of the year in our town)! Bring on the chili cook off!


  1. I love that Native Americans idea! I'm going to file that idea away for next year (we just finished Native Americans). We also go straight from studying regions of our state to the Native Americans. That's a great connection between them.

    A Place to Thrive

  2. Thanks for the predictions freebie! SO using that.

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  3. Love your blog. I almost wish I taught in South Carolina just so I could use your Native American unit!! However, I did download most of your fonts. I am a new follower to your blog, and I would love for you to check out mine.

  4. I love the prediction paper. I'm going to use the beginning one with my firsties this week. Thanks for sharing.

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  5. Your products are always awesome!!

    PS - You've been boo'ed for our fall linky. Visit my blog at PJ Jots to join up in the link!

  6. I just found your TN store...I've been on your blog for a while now. Just wanted to tell you how much I love your digital art. You are very talented :)

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Third Grade

  7. Thank you for the freebie! I teach 2nd, and will use this! I am a new blogger & have heard wonderful things about you! Hope you are well, can't wait to see more of your talent!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  8. Hey! Your South Carolina ideas are wonderful! Are these resources still available? I get an error link when I try to access them!

  9. I love you rmaking predictions printables, but I am getting an error when trying to download them. Would you please send me a copy to rosyashish@yahoo.com ? Thanks! I would appreciate it.

  10. I also am looking for a copy of your predicting papers. They are no longer accessible. Could you also send me a copy at mrichards@psdschools.org ?

  11. I love your making predictions printable! They would be great for my class! I get an error also when I try to download them! Can you send me a copy? scrisafulli93@gmail.com Thank you so much!


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