08 September 2012

Classroom Helpers and More Classroom Happenings

It has finally happened. I have caught  the dreaded cold and it only took two weeks of school! I had to miss our tubing trip with friends today because I felt like walking death. The only good thing to come of this is that I was restricted to my couch and computer and forced to do "schoolish" things. 

I finished my classroom ihelpers project that I have been working on for about a month, even though it's only like four pages long! HAHA I made it editable so you all could take it an use it in your classrooms. 

Just visit my either of my shops below to download.

Here is what else has been going on around my room this week!

Download the Boat Afloat and River Map printables by clicking each picture below!

And, I have a few new fonts in my side bar for you to download!

Gingersnap Thick Hand and Gingersnap Print. I also fixed the Gingersnap Handwriting font to make the punctuation flow better with the text. =)

Happy weekend!! I'll just be nursing my cold and willing it to go away by Monday! Ya right...lol


  1. Ohmyword, I love the iHelpers file! I knew you'd work wonders with my clip art. :) Thanks so much for sharing such a fun file with everyone! I love your boat experiment, too! How fun!

    EduKate and Inspire

  2. Thanks! I snagged the boats experiment. It's something I've done before, but I like the idea of doing it to introduce the Scientific Method. Thanks for the freebie :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  3. I am crazy for your new fonts! I used them on my lesson plans this week!!!! They make me SO happy! Thanks so much for sharing them!

    1. HAHA me too Reagan! I use the Gingersnap Print one in LIKE everything I make now! HAHA Thanks girl!

  4. Love your ihelpers and the boat experiment looks like a very fun activity.

  5. I'm looking forward to your place value units. Also, your boat experiment looks like a lot of fun!

    I'm also a new follower!

    Mr. Michelbook's Classroom

  6. Absolutely putting the boat awesomeness in my plans this week!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  7. I totally hear you on the getting sick part! I was sick at the beginning of this week and I still sound like I have a frog in my throat. I had a couple of kids that were out sick this week too with colds..


  8. Love your aluminum boats experiment to teach scientific method. We made paper bridges and tested to see how many pennies they could hold up. The kids loved it! I think I'll do your experiment this week. Thanks for the idea
    ;0) Melissa

    1. Oh I love that idea Melissa! I will have to try that next year!

  9. I definitely got the iFontMaker app after I read your last post friend! I am so excited to make my own fonts too! I love yours! :)

  10. I love the iHelpers idea. Thank you for the boat afloat experiment. I look forward to using this.
    ~April Walker
    The Idea Backpack
    Come on over and linkup your technology tips post and enter my giveaway!

  11. I did the fruit loops and marshmallows with my students too. They loved it! Looking forward to seeing your Place Value unit!!

  12. I hope you're feeling better soon! I am so thrilled that you are now creating fonts! I love your clip art sets and your fonts are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  13. Thanks for the boat a float sheet. We are making tin foil boats with our teams at our table this week. Instead of pennies the kids are going to use teddy bears!
    Rambling About Reading


Treats for the Teacher