08 June 2012

Planners and To Do Lists

I have decided that I am going to get organized this summer! Seriously! I have seen many cute to do lists and planners for teachers, but I wanted it to not only include school things, but other things as well such as menus for the week, around the house chores, and such. I did, however, create these specifically for teacher bloggers, but they could be used even if you don't have a blog!

This is what I came up with:

To download, click HERE!

I hope these are helpful! 

I am really trying to get myself together and have a plan every day this summer so I don't get too lazy!! I have so many projects and units I have planned to create, but I know that if I don't have a plan and write it doen, it will never get done and I will procrastinate until it's too late! 

Also, don't forget about my 1,000 follower giveaway going on! You have until Sunday to enter!

Click HERE to visit that blog post to enter.


  1. LOVE the planner! I am just done with school...minus the two workdays I have left and am already thinking for next year and want to plan plan plan...ugh! I just need to take a day of at least NOTHING school related before I do that..lol:)

    Thanks for the freebie:)
    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  2. Thanks for sharing!!! They are fabulous! :)

    Live Laugh and Love to Learn

  3. These are awesome Ginger:) You should link them up on my Monday Made It...it's still open...or you can wait to do it this coming Monday. I am hosting one every Monday to keep myself on track and focused and everyone wanted it to be a linky, so it is:)))

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. Thank you so much! Just what I needed!

  5. These are fantastic! I featured them on 3-6 Free Resources :) Check it out here: http://3-6freeresources.blogspot.com/2012/06/free-planners-to-do-lists.html

    Thanks for the great freebie!

    3rd Grade Thoughts

  6. Thank you!! It includes ALL my "to do"s!!

  7. This is exactly what I need! Thanks!


    Fun in Room 4B

  8. I love it! Now to get myself to USE it!!

  9. Love all of these!These are fabulous. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Awesome! Love the Weekly Planner one and Ideas for next year! Thanks!

  11. I heart planning! Thanks for the darling papers to play with.

    Brynley's Brainstorms

  12. I LOVE THIS!!!!! I am so excited...I'm printing it at 3:30 am!
    Mel D
    Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations

  13. These are so cute! I esp. love the blog/shop ideas and the ideas for next year lists! :)
    Thanks so much!

    Ann Marie Smith @ Innovative Connections

  14. Thanks Ginger! The planners are adorable. I love making lists and these will be perfect to use!

  15. This is so cute! There can never be enough things to be organized. Going to pin this.

    April @ The Idea Backpack
    I have a giveaway that ends today! Winner wins an Amazon gift card. Please check it out.

  16. Thanks for sharing. I need all the help I can get with organizing!

  17. Awesome.. Thanks for sharing..

    ♥ rachel

  18. Can I share your freebies on my home blog? I love them and would like to share. And if you say yes can I use your photo?

  19. I love the planner pages! Super cute!

  20. Thank you so much for sharing! They are practical and cute! I am sure to get much use from them!

  21. Are theses still available? I would really love to have them.


Treats for the Teacher