16 April 2012

Giveaway Winners and Font Fix Tutorial!

Hola! Turns out this PTA meeting wasn't mandatory, so I didn't go! I know! I am awful, but I have a life to live you know. 

Here are the winners of my new data pack giveaway!

This is what they won!

Thank you all for participating! 

And I'm bringing you another video tutorial today! I love these things, however I don't so much love hearing myself talk on there...

Ever tried to download a flipchart or a document and the page looks all messy and weird and it just doesn't look right? Well, that's because you don't have the correct font! In this short tutorial I am going to show you how to fix this problem!

If you wish to purchase my new unit, just head on over to my shop and grab yourself a set!

I hope everyone had a happy Monday! 

1 comment:

Treats for the Teacher