27 October 2011

Pumpkin Fun and Red Ribbon Week!

I shared with you last week the Great Pumpkin Seed Mystery Lesson, and I wanted to share with you the photos of our pumpkin being planted.

And now....the seed is germinating!! My kids were sooo excited when they came in yesterday to check on their plants and there were several beginning to grow! 

Tomorrow, we will go back into our science notebooks and record our first observations! 

On another note, it is Red Ribbon Week and I wanted to share our class door decoration because.....well...it's just freakin' cute!

My theme was "Make No Bones About It! We will be drug free!

The kids made chalk skeletons and wrote how they would stay drug free on the print out. 

Here is a close up: 

And because I love sharing stuff, here is the printable in case you want to use it in your classrooms next year! There are two files. One is the skeleton head cut outs and the other is the actual paper where they wrote their drug free responses. I am attaching the word versions so you can change it if you need to.

What are some themes you guys use for Red Ribbon Week?

The door judging will take place tomorrow so I will let you know if we win! =) 

I have also done, "Don't Get Caught in the Web of Drugs," with spider webs stretched across the door and students stuck their drug free responses and little plastic spiders in the web. 

My neighbor this year used, "Drugs are Corny," and had students use a response sheet like mine. The kids decorated a cartoon candy corn to add to the door. It was super cute!

I will have more coming about the life cycle of a pumpkin this weekend so stay tuned!


  1. First, good luck on your door! It's stinkin' cute! I'm SO jazzed when teachers grab ahold of RR week and run with it - thanks for your leadership! We combined RR week with a Character Week theme and focused on being drug-free PeaceMakers. It was GROOVY!

    The Corner On Character

  2. Love your door!!!! And that pumpkin activity is too cute :)

  3. I love Red Ribbon Week!!! We did Hair's to a drug free life; Black out drugs; Drugs turn you inside out; Wear red day and Team up against drugs. I am also student council co-chair so we made a commercial so the whole school knew about the days: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZlMJc-Wuk8

    They had so much fun with it!!

    P.S. Love your blog!



Treats for the Teacher