15 September 2011

Techy Time!

It's official...I have the crud. Ugh. Every year when school starts back I have to drug myself with Sudafed, Nyquil, and Afrin for about a week straight.I am living on Luden's wild cherry cough drops this week. Please pray for a rapid recovery! 

Okay, my pity party is over now... Thank you for listening. =) 

Our school's Instructional Technology Facilitator shared some awesome new websites that I had not previously heard of yesterday and I thought I would share!

This website is sooooo fun! You can take any picture that you have saved and make it talk! I thought it would be fun to take pictures of my students and record a message from me to welcome them in the morning. They would die with laughter! 

There are so many other things you could do with this. The possibilities are endless! 

This next website is a great ELA resource. You can use it to help teach all kinds of reading and writing skills and even have your students create their own cartoon comics!

This last website is just an all around great teaching resource. There are TONS of videos and tutorials that can help you teach any subject! Sometimes, it's just nice to sit back and let someone else do the teaching! =) 

The best thing about all of these websites is they're free!! So, go check em' out!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Blabberize! I shared that one with my school last year!


Treats for the Teacher