18 August 2011

Ahoy Mateys! Welcome to Room 302!

Hey everyone. I finally remembered to take pictures for you of my classroom. There are still a couple of things I am working on which is why the walls are so bare in certain places. However, the inner workings of the room are all set.

This is the view of the classroom as you enter from the door.

These are the cubbies to the left of the door. their book bins are place directly over their cubbies.

this is the view from the back of the classroom facing the front.

this is my reading area (aka pirate cove). clipped to the net are things good readers do. I purchased those signs from teachers clubhouse.

this is the back left corner of my room. the restroom and back counters are here. please excuse the huge mess of supplies on the table and counter! I haven't gotten around to sorting all that into their proper hiding places!

this is located on the white board and is where students make their lunch choices. they put their pirate person in the lunch choice they want for the day. I also use this for attendance. i think i downloaded the pirate people from someone's teachers pay teachers store. i am pretty sure it was free.

this is posted on my file cabinet. i stole this idea from sarah cooley over at first grader....at last, last year and i will never stray! it is so simple and easy. basically, two students will perform all the classroom jobs for the week. one boy and one girl per week. then, the next week, i just flip to the next student.

I’m a big fan of consensograms and I always do a consensogram gallery walk to conduct my classroom survey at the beginning of the year. Here are some of the questions I used and examples. The girls used red dots and boys were blue.

on another note, day 2 was awesome! friend who slept all day yesterday actually stayed awake and with me all day. =)


  1. I know you are doing a pirate theme this year and I ran across this and thought of you - http://iheartcraftythings.blogspot.com/2011/06/story-time-tuesday-w-paper-plate-pirate.html

    Also came across a book called Pirate vs. Pirate. The teacher who posted said it was "Great for teaching about voice, descriptive writing, adjectives, and juicy words!"

  2. Another cute pirate idea - http://www.mrsjumpsclass.com/familyclassroom/Classroom5.JPG

    Think it can be done with kids faces for your class list.

  3. You room is fabulous! So bright and colorful and exciting ;). Have a great school year!!!

  4. I LOVE the consensograms!! I may have to steal that for our first day of school :)

  5. I love your room! I like how you have your desks in groups of 3. I need to change it up in my room. I kind of get stuck with my room set up. It looks like you have lots of room with this design.

  6. It looks so great! I love your big yellow wall. Did you paint it or did the room come with it? It really brightens up the whole room. I'm also envious of the great storage space for book bags and lunchboxes. My room just has hooks.

  7. I didn't paint it. It came like that! Every grade level has a different color. I defeinitely lucked out with the cubbies. Other third grade classes don't have enough for their kids.

  8. looks perfect!! I love it all.

  9. I love it! The pirate theme is so fun. :)

  10. I love the consenograms! What a great way to get information from kids!


Treats for the Teacher