13 August 2010

Teacher Week: Online Resources

I am a little sad that today is the last day of Babbling Abby's Teacher Week! I have so enjoyed reading everyones ideas and viewing all the lovely little classrooms! On top of that, I've gained about 7 new followers! I want to take this opportunity to welcome you and I hope you keep stopping by and sharing your ideas and thoughts!

Today, we are sharing online resources and I have been so excited about sharing new ones that I have recently discovered! I posted my Top 10 Websites when I first began this blog, so I wanted to try to share some new ones that I have found useful.  

1. Delicious - This is a social bookmarking website that is great for accessing your favorite websites from any computer location. You never know when you will need one of your "favorited" websites, so this is just a good way to make sure you always have access to them. If you are familiar with PortaPortal, then this is very similar.

2. Curriki - This website provides amazing free lesson plans and resources for educators at all grade levels. I just recently discovered this one and thought it would be just like a lot of those not so great teacher lesson plan sites, but this one has it all!

3. Prezi - The coolest new way to create a presentation. I call it the next generation of presentations! You can see an example of one my prezis here. Soooo cool!

4. Critical Past - I also just recently discovered this website and I love it! If you teach Social Studies, this site will be your new best friend. There are about a gazillion video clips and images available in this database for use in your classrooms! The best part? It's freeeee! Unless you choose to download any of the material, in which case you must pay.

5. Creat-a-Graph - I love this website because you can quickly and EASILY make several types of graphs with just a few clicks of your mouse!

6. Knowitall - This is mainly a resource for teachers in South Carolina, but you may find some of the activities useful. If you teach 3rd grade in SC, you will love this website. It has so many grade standards based activities to teach your students!

7. Internation Children's Digital Library - This website is full of books available online from all around the world.

8. Prepdog - We use MAP testing to assess our students learning throughout the school year. This website contains practice test questions, education tools, and video tutorials for parents, students, and teachers! I always use this website to practice and prepare my students for the state standardized test.

9. Free Teacher Resources - Jam packed full of great stuff for teachers from lesson plans to professional development to worksheets! I'm lovin' it!

These are just a few more of my go to online resources!


  1. Thank you for posting ALL of these!!! Loooove them!

  2. These are great! I've only heard of the first one, and I'm especially excited to check out the graph one :)

    Hey, I gave you an award! You can check it out here:


  3. I am giving you an award too..haha, sorry!


  4. I can't wait to try out a few of those websites! I moved from Greenville to Oklahoma City last August.

  5. i especially love creat-a-graph and the international children's library!

  6. I love the Prezi site and your introduction. Thanks for sharing!

    Eve Heaton

  7. Thanks for the sites! And I'm a new follower! : ) I love the Prezi site! I'm hoping I can make one of those about me for my 1st graders. I think they will enjoy it!


Treats for the Teacher