10 August 2010

Teacher Must Haves

I didn't participate in Day 1 of Babbling Abby's Teacher Week as I only discovered her today! I will be participating in the Teacher Must Haves for Day 2! Here they are--

1) Avery printing labels are like my numero uno teacher tool to make things as cute as teacherly possible. Here is an example of my Writer's Handbook labels and my Science Notebook labels.

2) Magnetic Strips - I love a good flow chart. It's even better when they are magnetic and I can move them around on my white board. My morning procedure is posted in a flow chart and it's genius, not to toot my own horn or anything...

3) Velcro dots - These are amazing! I use them for hanging stuff on my walls and most importantly my word wall. I have a sentence strip connected to the bottom of the letter. The sentence strip contains the exact number of velcro dots on it for words under that letter. When I introduce that word, I just attach it to the sentence strip under the previous word.

I also used the velcro dots to make a Where Am I in the Writing Process wall hanging that of course uses velcro dots! I will have the students name on an arrow and they will move their name to the spot that corresponds to where they are in the writing process! (Sorry the picture isn't great!)

4) P.R.I.D.E. Planner - Our grade level uses a 1 inch binder that contains all the things you could possibly need to send home with your students. PRIDE stands for Practicing Responsiblity In Daily Endeavors. Since our school mascot is a lion, you see why we created this acronym. Anywho, in each planner you will find a pencil zipper pocket for money/doctors notes and a pencil (so your students can never say they didn't have one...), clear plastic sleeves, and two tabless dividers. We put the weekly newsletter, a list of previous and current grade word wall words, a class roster, class schedule, and a response to reading sheet in the clear plastic sleeves. The tabless dividers with pockets are for homework and graded work. There is also a spiral notebook in the back where students complete their nightly reading log. The front pocket of the planner is for School/PTA information and the back pocket is for the parent to take out and keep at home. Each section, sleeve, divider, and notebook is properly labeled of course. =) These are like sacred to our classroom so we really chalk it up how important it is to take care of them. Here are the cover sheets that go in the front and back of the binder so you can get an idea of what it looks like.

5) Flair Pens - I know almost every teacher who participated in this Teacher Must Have said these were among their favorite, but I bet you don't love them more than me!


  1. Cute blog! Great list. I will be back!!

  2. Where have I been? I didn't really know about Flair Pens, but they are on my list when I make my next Wal-Mart/Target run. Great list! Hope you have an awesome school year!

  3. Lol I need to get those pens. What do you use them for? not that I couldn't find something I just have to justify the price to myself.

    I love the where we are in the writing process chart. I think I will make one of those!

  4. Kelly, I am big on writing stuff in my calendar/planner and these pens are fun for decorating that! I also use them for taking notes during meetings, grading papers, and just admiring them. =)

  5. Check it out, we are giving away a bunch of teacher must haves at waddleeahchaa.com. Come leave a comment and you might win. For me a new black Sharpie marker. I like your new pack of colored markers too. Thanks for the post. :)

  6. What would we do without Flair pens??? I just love them! I always love writing in marker but I am so glad that these do not bleed through!

  7. I <3 colored pens! Anything that is available in rainbow colors gets my vote!

  8. YES on the velcro dots! I wish I had a tutorial on my chair pockets, I really just made them up as I went and they weren't too hard to make. I used a canvas (off white) fabric and then had the kids decorate them with colorful handprints. Glad you found my blog - and vice versa!


Treats for the Teacher