08 March 2015

Measuring Liquid Volume

Every year, measurement tends to be the one thing that my students struggle with the most. I'm not sure why, but I think maybe it's that it's just boring. LOL I dunno!

This year, I plan on letting students rotate to several stations and practice estimating how much they think is in a container and then actually measure it out and see. To end the lesson, I made this SCOOT activity as a review! I think it will be a fun way to assess what they learned!

Here are some sample pages from the file! They will then record all their answeres on this recording sheet.

You can purchase this activity for $2.50 in my shop! Just click my button below!

And for you South Carolina third grade teachers, I am still working on this!

It is huge project, so it will take me a while to finish, but I am getting there!

 Leave a comment telling me your favorite way to teach estimating and measuring liquid volume and I will choose one person to win a free copy of my Estimating and Measuring Scoot activity Wednesday, March 11th! Good Luck! {Please leave your email in the comment!}


  1. We have been working on estimation as well! The hands-on stations have been so helpful, but GOLLY do they make a mess! These SCOOT cards would be a great review. :)

    1. My teaching partner suggested using rice instead of water to try to keep from getting water everywhere.

  2. I find it's difficult for my students to understand too! I always bring in different measuring cups from home to have my students experiment with measuring liquid.

    A Tall Drink of Water

  3. We struggle with the same issues! Second graders don't really have a context to think about capacity, much less in two systems! (customary and metric) So, if I were lucky enough to win, THIS would be my favorite way to teach estimating! tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com

  4. We always bring in different containers as well. It is so tricky for them because they don't understand that two different shaped containers can hold the same amount. We just have to practice practice practice. I love the idea of using rice! ...or you could use sand. We have TONS of sand in our Science lab!

    1. I am sorry for being late to choose a winner, but congrats to you! Can you send me your email please?

    2. Oh my goodness...yay! We are starting this next week. I'm so excited now!
      Thank you!!! Jburnette@spartanburg4.org

  5. Love the estimating volume pack! It's JUST what I've been searching for!!

    Thank you!



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