30 July 2014

Classroom Progress and Teacher Bag Linky

I was able to go into my clasroom today! I was soooooo glad to get out of the house and do something useful. 

Being that my interview is tomorrow, I tried to limit myself to things that could be used in whichever classroom I end up in, even though I decided to rearrange the room anyway. I figure whoever is there if I leave will appreciate it. =) 

Here is what my room looked like when I walked in this morning! YIKES!

The teacher who was in here before me didn't take anything off the walls....ugh. 

But here is some more of the madness!

 Those computers are so heinous and ancient and so is that table....I tried to see our computer guy had any other options, but it's not looking great! He did say that I will get more Dell Tablets this year to hopefully compensate for those worthless computers! haha

One big project I wanted to tackle was to reorganize my library books into the new bins I purchased at Target! They were only 79 cents! I'm getting rid of all of my neon baskets so that my bold color classroom theme is more prevalent. 

  I also plan on covering that awful looking chair...

I got a lot of them organized, but there are SOOOO many left to do! 

I have to go purchase more of those bins, but I think I'll wait until after my interview tomorrow and see how that goes first. 

And my friend Jen Ross over at Teacher By the Beach is hosting a fun little linky to show off your teacher bag!

I am a Thirty One girl. I love all of the compartments they offer. I love the prints. And I love that they are monogrammed. It makes my heart happy!

Here are a couple of the teacher bags I used last year!

I'm also loving this bag from Elizabethsplace on Etsy! 

Go link up your cute teacher bag with Jen! Cause I wanna see it. =)

More updates to come on my classroom and my interview tomorrow! =)


  1. omgosh... you and I were both in classroom "fun" today..lol.
    I'm loving that bottom bag! It's cute! Thanks for linking up friend :)
    ♥ Jen
    Teacher by the Beach

  2. I just relocated to another school this year and I see we have some of the same concerns... 1.) A chair that needs recovering, 2.) computers that are fueled by coal with a crank on the side, and 3.) wading through the "stuff" left behind by the former teacher. Don't worry, though. It CAN be done!
    I wish you well on your interview tomorrow!

  3. I am also a Thirty-One girl! I won't carry anything else ;) Recently I saw on another blog someone said there was no such thing as the perfect teacher bag. I said they had obviously not heard of Thirty-One :)

    Good luck with your interview!

  4. I LOVE your book genre labels! Where are those from?


  5. They are Iread labels from the brown bag teacher!


Treats for the Teacher