10 November 2013

I'm back, Jack!

Oh. My. Word. It's been an eternity. This has by far been the craziest school year. Between my grad class, planning to teach my class, teaching my class, dealing with my class (haha), and meetings out the wazoo...I haven't had much time for anything blog related. I have only had time to focus on my what's before me. 

With that being said...I'd like to catch you up on the happenings in my classroom in pictures. =)

I think that brings you all up to speed! 

I am so overwhelmed this year, but I wanted to check in with you all and let you know I'm still alive and I'm going to make a very good effort not to neglect you all for so long!

And this week, we are working on physical and behavioral animal adaptations so I made a flipbook to go along with our unit. I wanted to share it with you all! 

I also made a flipchart to accompany the flipbook! 

Important Note: that you must have Promethean Activ Inspire software to download and use! You also need to download the following fonts from Jen Jones, Hello Sunshine and Hello Poppin Tags!

I hope to be back later this week with the behavioral adaptation version! 

I hope you all have a fabulous Sunday! It's almost Walking Dead time!!


  1. Those cookies are such a great idea!

    Fun In First

  2. The mining field trip looks awesome! We have a little river and a small mining museum, but the kids have a blast getting tiny gold flakes they get to keep :)

    Teaching in the Tongass

  3. Glad to see you again! I have hear a lot about Evernote. I just wish I knew how to use it.

  4. Hello! Your animal adaptation flip books were so useful to my class. Thank you for sharing such an amazing resource. I made a blog about how I used them and linked back to you: http://adventurein3rdgrade.blogspot.com/2016/01/worms-in-classroom.html

    Thank you so much!

  5. Thank you for sharing your animal adaptations worksheets! I have translated them to use in my French Immersion classroom. They are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Thanks for sharing your animal adaptations! Love it and appreciate you!


Treats for the Teacher