14 August 2013

Teacher Week 2013 {Now Teach: Organizing for Instruction}

It's day 3 of Teacher Week and today is all about organizing our classrooms!

I am far from the final product so many of these pictures are just small projects I've been working {many unfinished} but I had to participate anyway! I will be updating everyone with the final product next week, but in the meantime, here are some tips for organizing your classrooms!

 {That ugly green color caddy bugs me so I have NEON ones coming soon! I also plan on printing pretty labels for my plastic drawers.}

 I took all of the leveled reader lesson plans and organized them by Fountas and Pinnell level to keep in a binder for easy access! It has been a HUGE time saver!
I have new plans for my meet the teacher handbook for this year...

Oh my-lanta, I'm in love with this! =)  Just click the image above for the TPT link! 

Now head over to Blog Hoppin' to link up with your organizational ideas so I can snag em'! ;)


  1. I use many of the same organizational techniques! But I love the pencil basket to hold all the little things in the students' desks!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  2. You are an inspiration as far as being organized goes! I love it all!


  3. I want to do the little baskets in student desks! I am using your idea for the checklist and packet for all the papers sent home the first week of school. Thanks for sharing your great organization ideas.

    Simply 2nd Resources


Treats for the Teacher