10 September 2012

Substitute Writing Idea and a Math Game

So, we have to turn in three days of sub plans each year and I have been working on gathering my lessons for my this because it's due Friday! I recalled a blog post I saw earlier this year about where your missing teacher has gone and I was inspired to make my own to cater to upper grades too!

I snagged the idea from Cara Carroll at "First Grade Parade." Click HERE to see her adorable post about her writing activity! I asked if she would mind if I did my own little spin on it and of course she said, yes! But,  she said she saw the idea somewhere on Pinterest! If this was your original idea, please let me know and I will add you to this post!

Anyway, here is my version with both primary and upper grades writing pages! In the first one, students write a few sentences about why they think their teacher is out and draw a picture to go with it!

 Then, I came up with this one all on my own! I was creating the first one and I was inspired to turn it into a newspaper article! Anytime the students can pretend to be someone else, I think it really gets them thinking and their ideas flowing!

Click HERE to download your free copy!

Here are some other great substitute resources!

Rachelle, from What the Teacher Wants has a great download called the Substitute Teacher Survival Kit, which I proudly own! Just click the picture below to go grab yourself a copy!

And I also have this awesome collection of printables from Clutter-Free Classroom! You can get it by clicking on the picture!
Oh, and here is a fun video from class today! We were playing Place Value War! I just love the excitement in the room! Be warned...It's loud!

I hope to post the games from this new unit soon! When I have time to finish them...HAHA!


  1. LOVE IT, girl!!!! SO adorable!!! And I love the *extra* activities, too!!!! Cute, cute!! THANK YOU for sharing!!!!! XO

    Cara :)
    The First Grade Parade

  2. That video is just precious! Thank you for the substitue idea. My 6th graders love being reporters and detectives in their writings, so these prompts are definitely something I will be using! :)

  3. Thanks for the missing teacher writing activities! These will be great to add to my sub plans. Thanks for the freebie! Your math game seems to be a hit too. :)


  4. Cute activities for your sub folder!
    Love the video. Can't I just come and stay in your room for about a week? I know I would learn tons and have a lot of fun!

  5. I love the idea of bringing the writing into an article format for the upper grades. Thanks so much for sharing as freebies! I love having new things to add to my sub plans :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  6. I love the video!! I hope you're having a lovely week :)

  7. It was so nice getting to meet you yesterday! I had such a blast, but am bummed we didn't get a chance to talk much! Looking forward to keeping up with you Carolina girls...and the next meetup!

    Teachery Tidbits

  8. I printed out a copy of this years ago and now I've misplaced my master! Your link no longer works, any chance you can re-upload them? I loved it so much and so did my third graders! Thank you!!


Treats for the Teacher