21 January 2012

Freebie and a Sale!

Hey friends! I am overjoyed to be at 600 followers. Since I started this teaching blog two years ago, I never imagined that I would still be so passionate about posting things going on in my teaching world. I fell off the planet for a while, but I've been going strong since this summer! 

In honor of reaching 600 followers, I am having a sale on EVERYTHING in my Teacher's Notebook Shop until tomorrow at midnight! If you haven't grabbed yourself a set of Common Core Math cards yet, this is your change to get it 30% off! And don't forget about my Poetry Unit and much more! 

Click my button to head over and check everything out!

This week, we have been focusing on the four sounds of 'ou' during our Word block. A previous colleague of mine always did an 'ou' Scavenger hunt. We did it again and it was soooo much fun! I printed the 'ou' words on 2 by 4 inch labels and then just put them on neon index cards. I placed them around the room in random places and then handed out the scavenger hunt recording sheet. Students had to read each word they found and determine what sound it made and write under the correct sound column. I purposefully put in some harder words to challenge them a little bit and told them if they had trouble reading the word, to try the word with each sound and then ask a friend. I only had to help them with a couple of the words, but it was still fun!

And I was overjoyed to see one little friend doing this to figure out the word. 

I was so happy he was using his chunking strategy!!

If you would like to download this activity, please click the pictures below. 

This first file is a Word document in case you want to change the words. You need "Wish I Were Taller" font by Kevin and Amanda.

I have had a pretty rough time of it the last few weeks since we returned from Christmas break. There are things that have happened which I can't really discuss here that have just had me frustrated and feeling like I don't know how much longer I can continue on. It has nothing to do with my students because they are AWESOME and I love them. BUT, after these weeks of frustration, this pretty much  made my week. We have been learning about fractions and we finally got to have outside recess yesterday. It has been wet and raining for the last few weeks, but this is what my friends were doing during recess...

It made me feel like I must be doing something right, even though I don't always feel that reassurance. Talk about a bunch of awesome kids! They are what is keeping me alive! =)

Head on over and enjoy my Teacher's Notebook sale! It will end tomorrow night!


  1. These are the moments that make it worth it:) Hold on to them.


    Fun in Room 4B

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! I definitely agree. If it weren't for them and my love for being in the classroom, I don't think I'd still be there.

  2. I'm sorry that you have had some bad weeks. :( Hopefully those cuties will keep cheering you up until it gets better. We did a sound hunt this week too!
    Stories From Second

  3. I am so happy to have met you on the blogs Ginger and glad to see you are still going strong. It has been wonderful to see all of the things you design--so creative! I'm sorry to hear that is has been rough for you. But what a lovely class you have! You are so smart to focus on that aspect.

    1. Thank you Kristen. =) It has been difficult this year. I always think it's going to get easier and then I do more work every year than the year before. =( But, the kids definitely make it worth it.

  4. The life of a school teacher is much like a mom... often filled with self doubt, questions, and sometimes guilt (and not always about the kiddos), but what I've seen from your blog you have no reason to dwell on those feelings for long! You are an awesome teacher/blogger/leader-(and I'm sure friend). Thank you for the freebies and inspiring posts.

  5. Congratulations on your 600 followers! That is amazing!

    I know what you mean, there are some days, I have to remind myself that I really do love teaching...but it's just the other stuff that gets to many sometimes. And then I have one of those moments like yours...and I realize that I truly would rather teach than anything else... Hope your days and weeks to come bring joy, laughter and fun for you!

    First Grade Delight

  6. Sorry to hear things have been rough. You must be doing LOTS right if your kiddos are drawing fractions in their free time! Hang in there.
    Finally in First

  7. Thank you so much for the sound hunt! Hang in there- you are doing an amazing job! :)

  8. I love it when my kiddos actually use the skills I teach them!! Makes me feel good for all the work I do! ha!!
    THanks for the freebie!
    I wish I knew when we were going to be switching over to the common core standards...they say it's coming soon!
    The Teachers’ Cauldron

  9. So excited to see the kids drawing fractions on THEIR OWN!! Mine would rather use recess time to argue

    Sorry you're having a rough few weeks--I think it's safe to say that we've all been there so we are totally here to support you. Hang in there!!!

    Also, I think you need to stop by my blog and check out my latest post. You'll want to know what it says!!



Treats for the Teacher