30 January 2012

Sound Scoot

Hey friends! I feel like it's been forever. I have been so busy, and tired. Did I mention busy??? I have so many requests of clip art to make and Common Core vocabulary cards to finish and I just feel like I have NO time!! 

I wanted to let you know about a new game I made to help students review all about Sound! I discovered Maree True Loves clip art shop on Etsy and I LOVE IT! I used her graphics to make this game and I am very pleased with how cute it came out!

 This game was a huge hit in my classroom! I have been seeing all sorts of blogs about this "Scoot" game and so I created my own! 

You can snag a copy in my TN shop by clicking my shop button below.

 In other news, my 3rd grade teammie has opened her own TN shop! Click the button below to visit her new Teachers Notebook shop! I also placed the button in my sidebar if you want to grab it!

I have also been tagged by Soaring Through Second, First Grade at Klinger Cafe, and Living a Wonderful Life. I don't want to overdo this post, so I will do another post to participate in this tomorrow! I also hope to  have some time to crank out some new clip that I have had in my sketchbook for weeks and some new common core cards for 4th grade by Sunday. Fingers crossed!!

Also, I am in the process of opening a Clip Art gallery on Teachers Notebook! I currently have the shop set up but nothing in it! I think I may even eventually put all my clip art there and close my Etsy shop. It is so hard to have to e-mail each individual person their clip art! So, stay tuned for that in the near future!


  1. I love your clip art! Can't wait!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  2. I'm pinning this post, can't wait to purchase this to use during our sound unit later in the year!
    Stories From Second

  3. Oh my gosh, I love Maree Truelove's work! And yours!! I definitely get how you're feeling right now...I am draaaaaging and it's only Monday! Hope your week goes nicely.

  4. This is adorable! I am your newest follower and i've tagged you in a game. Come on over to check it out! YOUR IT!

    Kaleigh's Klassroom

  5. So cute! My middle schoolers love games like this!
    To The Square Inch


Treats for the Teacher