16 November 2011

How to Catch a Plump and Perky Turkey!

As a closing to our How To Make a Coke Float writing unit, I am doing this fun activity next week (since we are going to be without ANY technology!!) **Sigh**

Anyway, I stole this cute idea from Sarah Cooley, over at First Grader At Last

Read the poem, "A Plump and Perky Turkey," aloud. Then have the kids write about how they would catch a plump and perky turkey!

Click on the image for the packet!

I am so excited to do this next week!!! And yay for Thanksgiving Break coming in T-minus 3 days!! 


  1. Thanks so much for this! I was able to use it in class today and the kids had a blast coming up with ways to catch a turkey.

  2. The clipart is so cute - where did you get it? I love the turkey.

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  3. There is a link to the graphic artists blog in the document, but you can also google her - KPM Doodles! She has an etsy shop! She has the cutest stuff!


Treats for the Teacher