14 March 2011

Busy Busy!

I have been super duper busy at school and sort of overwhelmed. I haven't had much of an opportunity to visit the blog world and so for that, I apologize. We recently studied the American Revolution and read, "The Revolutionary Swamp Fox," by Idella Bodie. It is a biography about the life of the infamous Swamp Fox. If you have ever seen "The Patriot," starring Mel Gibson, that movie is based on his life, although not entirely accurate. Anyhow, the students got really into learning about him because he was from South Carolina. After we read the book, the students created Bio Bodies. They had to draw him and write what he would think, say, do, feel, and where he would go. Here are some really cute examples.

We have also learned about habitats and animal adaptations. We made some cute habitat lotus diagrams (another quality tool to be blogged about later.) Here are a couple of the better examples. We discussed the types of animals and plants that live in each one and how they have special feature and adaptations.

This time of year always makes me feel stressed out, but I really hope to work on posting more fun things going on in our classroom. You other teachers out there are so inspiring and you all doing such amazing things that it inspires me to want to be better about posting the things I am doing as well.

Stay tuned...more to come soon...


  1. I think bloggers just post the exciting stuff and not the LOADS of other mundane stuff in between, so don't feel bad :)
    And I LOVE your bio-buddies - what an awesome idea!

  2. I love your bio-bodies, also! What a great idea! Thank you so much for sharing!!

    I will definitely be stealing this in the future!


  3. This will be my first year teaching 3rd grade. I come from a kindergarten background, so I'm hoping to find ideas and help in the blogging world.

  4. Very glad I stumbled upon your blog! Love, Love, LOVE the consensograms! Can't wait to try that in the fall! I am trying a blog and would love you to stop by and let me know what you think.


  5. Where are you??? I stumbled across your blog and LOVE it! I have learned so many new ideas from you. I hope you come back to the blogging world! Take care


Treats for the Teacher