12 August 2010

Step into my classroom

It's day 4 of Teacher Week over at Babbling Abby's! You know what that means...Classroom Tour! I meant to take a bunch more pictures of my room today before I left, but I had some other things on my mind and so I forgot...

Here are the pictures that I do have! This one is a picture from last year of my promethean board. It's at the front of the room.

This is part of my reading area along with part of my desk area behind it.

This is the other part of my reading area...

One of my desk groups...and some other stuff in the background. (I promise better ones to come later.)
This is my back bulletin board featuring our lovely state, State Carolina! Oh, and the computers obviously.

I will post better pictures later this week. I was really meaning to take a picture of my welcome bulletin board on the outside of my classroom because it is soooo dang cute. I'll keep the secret for now...but you just wait til tomorrow!


  1. Your room looks awesome! So colorful and inviting ;)

  2. Love your classroom! I love all of the colors and the bean bag in the reading area!

  3. I love how many books you have accessible to your kiddos! :)

  4. I love seeing classroom pictures!! Looks like you're all set up and ready to go!! When is the kids first day back?

    The kids start on the 23rd here!! It's been a whirlwind these past two days!! I too crashed again on the couch!! It's pretty much my normal routine!!

    Hope you can stop by my teacher swap tomorrow!! Love to see some of your ideas!!

  5. I agree... I love all of the colors! It seems like your room is on the bigger side too which would be great! I am looking forward to seeing your Welcome Board!

  6. Your room looks so inviting. The kids are lucky to have you as a teacher :)

  7. One of my new students I met at Meet the Teacher who I have heard is a whiz went walking around the room and goes, "Oh yeah, I'm gonna love this room!" It was sooo cute! I can't wait to start!

  8. I am a little behind on visiting everyone else's classrooms! Your room is great! So colorful! And I think we have some of the same posters :)


Treats for the Teacher