01 February 2010

Using food to teach Math

Last year, one of my awesome colleagues gave me these two phenomenal books full of lessons to use for Math, by Chris Triola. They help you teach geometry and measurement with candy and other foods, so you can imagine my excitement when I was given these two sacred/awesome/AMAZING/you get the idea books!

I have scoured the internet and can only find one availabe copy of "GeomeTreats: Math With Munchies," on Amazon but I am going to share a short version of a few of the lessons. I was unable to find the other book, "MeasureMints." Email me at glauren4556@gmail.com if you would like a sample! These books are like $50 a piece so please do yourself a favor and drop me a line.

Warning: I have been trying to teach myself to link to word documents so thank you for your patience when clicking on previous links. I had to link everything to my Wiki but this is better, but not perfect yet!


  1. I wasn't able to view it:( Can you email me? preschoolprofessional@yahoo.com

  2. Ah - that is all we DO in kindergarten... EVERYTHING is related to food... I love it. :)


  3. Okay, apparently my link isn't working. =(

  4. I think your link works, I (we) just don't have permission to access it.


  5. Do they problems for high school level?


Treats for the Teacher