18 January 2010

Reader's Theater - SC Explorers

I taught a Social Studies unit recently on South Carolina explorers. Our social studies contact person, Paula Burgess, posted tons of wonderful resources for third grade South Carolina history curriculum. Among them, I found this little gem. It's a reader's theater talk show.

We spent a day talking about word painting (reading with expression), and how it helps us read fluently. If you want more information on word painting, visit MarciaDaft.com and click on Creative Strategies. 

I assigned parts and we practiced until we were blue in the face! We performed it for a few other classes and staff at our school. THEY loved doing it and they learned a thing or two about the first explorers of South Carolina!

You can watch our video at teachertube!

1 comment:

  1. is there any way of getting the script for this reader's theater?


Treats for the Teacher