28 September 2011

Science Freebie!!!

Well, the time has arrived for me to unveil my fully free and complete Earth Materials Unit with Teacher Resources, Assessments, and Flipcharts! 

It is day 3 of Science week and I have enjoyed browsing all the free stuff over at TBA!! 

Just click each image to download!

This document includes the unit lessons and activities. 

This document includes all of the lesson resources and assessments. Click the image below to access the files on my drive.

To access the unit flipcharts, click on the image below!

Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement or if this is helpful! 


  1. Wow! What a lot of work! And it's all free! Thanks for sharing.

    Pitner's Potpourri

  2. This is awesome!! Thanks so much!


  3. Thank you for sharing. I am going to pass on to our third grade teachers tomorrow.

  4. These are so great, thanks for sharing!

  5. I know that this is an older post, but I am hoping that you see this! You have created such an incredible resource. I have been looking forward to incorporating some of your materials into my Earth Through Time Unit all year :) In the Rocks and Minerals PDF, you reference a fossil scavenger hunt. It appears that it was a link or something, but I cannot see where it leads. What is the Fossil Scavenger Hunt that you are referring to?

    Thanks again :)

  6. Thank you so much! You saved my Christmas Break!

  7. I don't have a promethean board. I have a Smart Board.... is there any way to get the flipcharts as ppts? I can't even view them....

    1. Rebekah, you don't need a promethean board. The promethean software is compatible with the smartboard. All you need to do is download the program from Promethean Planet! =) I don't have it ppt. Sorry.

    2. It is Activ Inspire software. You just need to go download Activ Inspire from Promethean Planet in order to view.

  8. Teaching 3rd grade science for the first time ever this year! ;-/ Thanks for sharing your materials!

  9. Thank you so much for this resource! I am a first year teacher working with ED students and they loved it!

  10. What tune does the rock song go to?

  11. Thank you for sharing! What is the tune of the song. I can't seem to figure it out.

  12. You are awesome for sharing these materials for free. Thank you so much for all your hard work!!!!

  13. Hi there, these look great, but when I click on the images, dropbox tells me none of them can be found. Can i still access them somehow? Thanks so much!

    1. same ! Love her stuff. Is there a way to access Earth Materials unit still? :)

  14. Hi, Thank you for sharing. Though I too am unable to open/download the resources above. Would it be possible for you to repost your amazing the files?
    Thanks in advance :)

  15. Good day

    I found this awesome resource and i would love to down load it but it keeps saying it no longer available

  16. Wow thank you so much for offering this free printable resource. That is very generous of you. I homeschool and my sons have devoured our Science Fussion materials this year. I decided to create a rocks unit and your outline is wonderful!


Treats for the Teacher