21 July 2011


I was perusing Abby's blog The Inspired Apple and saw her adorable "School Rocks" theme and it got me thinking about classroom themes.

Our school wide theme this year is "Learning is a Treasure." Soooo, that's where you come in. I need help coming up with ideas for things to do/display/etc... in my classroom this year to go along with the theme!

Back from the Dead

I am so sorry for my prolonged absence but I hit a little summer fever back in, oh...April...

I still haven't really started thinking much about school yet, but I am getting there with only 3 weeks of freedom left!

I will begin my comeback soon! I promise and I will share all that I can!!

On another note, if you are interested in art, I have just posted some new paintings in my etsy shop. Please click here.

Happy summer!!