29 June 2013

The Ultimate Science Word Wall Pack!!

I have finally completed my materpiece of science content words! It is by far my largest ever creation and I am super proud of it!! It includes over 375 words and an editable page for adding your own, because this will inevitably miss some of the words you teach. I also included subject area headers to hang as you teach each unit! 

It is available in both of my shops by clicking my buttons below! 

I will be givng this set away free for the seventh person to comment with how you will use these in your classroom! =) 

Get creative people...

IMPORTANT NOTE: I moderate comments so you don't have to add multiple comments if yours doesn't show up. It won't show up til I approve it! If you add multiple, the second one will be deleted!

Good Luck!!

26 June 2013

Video Tutorial: Inserting Images into Shapes {Part 2}

Hey sweet friends! I've been working furiously to get these science word wall cards complete but sadly, it's taking me FOREVER!! I am only halfway through with the pack. There are just so many words and my eyeballs can only handle so much staring at my computer screen. Seriously, it makes me dizzy...especially after my stroke last year. I have to work on it chunks...LOL! 

Anyway, someone asked me how to fill the background of a shape with the image inside it as well and so I started playing around with powerpoint and the idea hit me...DUH!! 

So here is my tutorial! 

{The resolution of the image once inserted into the shape isn't perfect, so I've still got to figure that part out, but this is the best I could come up with.}

As always, I'm hoping this was helpful for some of you!

Off to Carowinds tomorrow to chaperone my niece! Wish me luck!! ;)

21 June 2013

Video Tutorial: Inserting Images into Shapes

Twice in one day...CRAZY TOWN, I know. 

I had someone ask me today how to insert images into shapes like this so that the image sits inside the shape and doesn't go past the edge:
This is an example of one of my Science Word Wall cards! =)

Hope this was helpful!

New Ginger Snap Fonts!

Twice in one week? This must be a miracle! I created some new fonts a few weeks ago and just haven't gotten around to posting them. I have added them to my sidebar with the words {New} next to them.

Here is a preview of them!

In other news, I have realized that this science word wall pack that I am working on will take me quite some time! I didn't realize how many words there would actually be! There are roughly 340 words! It's gonna take a little bit! I haven't even begun making the actual vocabulary cards yet. It took me all day yseterday just to create the word lists for each topic! Whew! I'm already exhausted!

I met with my friend Danielle yesterday because she had some questions about starting a TPT store. I recommended that she start off with a blog to help her get her name out there. I started thinking that maybe it would be a good idea to do a video tutorial for getting a blog up and running. I plan on working on that in the next week as well! I figured it could prove helpful for many new bloggers/sellers! What do you guys think?

Happy Friday friends!! 

19 June 2013

I'm baaaack with an Ultimate Science Pack Preview!!!

So it's been a hot minute since I've blogged. Let's just say life has been happening and I've just kind of taken a long and MUCH NEEDED hiatus from the blogging world. But it's summa time and I'm feeling inspired again! Maybe it's the lazy days being spent by the pool or my new boyfriend *hehe* Whatever the cause, I am glad to be back! 

I have had so many people message me asking for Science Word Wall Cards similar to my Math and ELA cards, but I wasn't able to find a set of "common" standards for every state so I decided that I would make an ULTIMATE set of science vocabulary word cards instead. It will also include an editable page where you can add your own words and pictures because I am sure with it being summer and all....I'll leave out some important words. =) 

I am also including Header Posters for each science topic covered in the pack.

So far, I've only completed the Header Posters. I will tackle the rest of the pack and hopefully have it finished and posted by Sunday or Monday night...but no promises...

Here is sneak peek!

Let me know if you have any suggestions! 

I'm feeling like I am getting my groove back! Whoo hoo!