03 April 2013

Geometry Concentration and a Freebie

I am seriously enjoying my Spring Break this week and finally got motivated today to post some newbies.

We worked on geometry a few weeks back and I made a couple of games to help students practice identifying geometric figures and shapes. 

The first game is called Geometry Concentration and it was designed to help students practice identifying kinds of lines, pairs of lines, angles, and parts of a circle. It is available for $2.00 in my TPT shop!

Just click below my shop button below to grab your set!

And here is a free game to help your students practice identifying polygons with names and with riddles.

Just click the image above to download your FREE copy!

I hope to be back soon with more stuff for you all!

And per usual, if you want to win the Geometry Concentration for FREE, riddle me this:

What tune has been on repeat on my itunes in the last two weeks? 

Hint: It's a male artist and it's a fairly new song on the radio!

Happy Guessing!